Watch Out, Humpty-Dumpty!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

I need to know my place!

The Pharisee stands in the Court of the Men of Israel because he thinks he is righteous.  But he really does not know his place because he despises the tax collector in his heart.

The Tax Collector, a.k.a., the Publican, stands in the Court of the Gentiles because he is a sinner.  And he knows his place because he knows that he is a sinner deeply in need of God’s mercy.

When I exalt myself I raise myself up to a place I do not belong.  Someone or something is due to pull me off the wall similar to a Humpty-Dumpty.  But If I lower myself, a.k.a., humility, then I allow the Lord to raise me on high, though I do not deserve that place.  St. Benedict would agree.

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